Customize toolbar

All the items of the menu are available as toolbar icons. By default the toolbar displays commands that most people may need. You can customized this toolbar through the Preferences window.


New: Creates a new catalog.

Open: Loads a catalog file. There are two "Open" icons. The second one has a small arrow on its right side, allowing to display the last files used.

Save: Saves catalog under current file name.

Save As: Saves catalog under a new file name.

Print: Displays Print Preview window, where you can select a template, generate a report and print it.

Import: Allows to import movie items from other file formats.

Export: Allows to export the catalog to other file formats.

Properties: Display information about current file and catalog.

Exit: Closes the program.


Add: Adds a new movie to the list.

Change number: Allows to modify the number of the selected movie.

Delete: Deletes the current movie.

Find: Displays Find toolbar, to find a movie on the basis of a part of a specified field.

Display picture: Shows or hide the picture window.

Picture commands: Displays a submenu with the following icons...

Select: Select a picture that will be stored or linked to the catalog.

Save As: Saves picture to a file (only available with stored picture, not yet with linked pictures).

Copy: Copies the picture to the clipboard in bitmap format.

Delete: Delete current movie picture (for linked pictures, it only removes link, it does not delete the file from disk).

Dock/Undock: Changes the style of the Picture window, docked (integrated in main window) or undocked (floating window).

Copy: Copies all the information of the current movie to the clipboard.

Paste: Uses information from the clipboard as current movie information.

Undo: Reloads the current movie item. They are saved when you save the catalog or when you select another movie.

Get information: Displays a submenu with information importing commands...

From files: Allows to select files, to extract information from them (image or video files). It does the same than drag & dropping files on the main window.

From script: Displays script window, which allows you to use a script file to import movie information from internet.

Search on internet: Displays a user-customizable menu allowing you to launch the browser to search for a movie on the web.


Group movies: Groups the movies in the list depending of the value of a specified field.

Grid mode: Displays the movie list as a large grid with all the movies and their information.

Scriping: Displays script window, which allows to apply a script to a list of movies.

Renumber: Renumbers movies, begining at 1 with continuous numbers. This allows you to fill the missing numbers that appear when deleting movies, if you do not care that a movie does not have a fixed number.

Loans: List of all the movies that are currently lent and who has which movie.

Statistics: Displays charts about the current catalog.

Preferences: Allows to change program's options.

Language: Change the language of program's windows.


Help: Displays this help file.

About: Displays information about the program's author and version.